Thursday, May 24, 2007

Monday, May 21, 2007

Gas Shock

The price of Gas is now higher then in 1981 when adjusted for inflation. Well the interesting thing is will this reduce demand, if the recent high prices do not curb demand what price will it take. $4, $5 or $10 a gallon how much will the government have to tax Gasoline to reduce demand enough that it will have an effect on CO2 emissions.

Why Al Gore will not run for President

Here is an interesting opinion on why Mr. Gore, it is pure financially motivated.

Because he is making MILLIONS on the Global Warming scam. He will NOT be able to continue to do that as President. He also would not have the freedom to go and do whatever he wants that he enjoys now. His wife actually came right out and said it in the Time interview. Time -The Last Temptation of Al Gore

His wife is more blunt. "He's got access to every leader in every country, the business community, people of every political stripe," says Tipper. "He can do this his way, all over the world, for as long as he wants. That's freedom. Why would anyone give that up?"

Debunking the myth of Global Warming

This is a short article on an other meteorologist Augie Auer view that global warming is just bunk. Also here is one on his views of the Kyoto protocol.

"It is time to attack the myth of global warming," he said.

Water vapor was responsible for 95 per cent of the greenhouse effect, an effect which was vital to keep the world warm, he explained.

"If we didn't have the greenhouse effect the planet would be at minus 18 deg C but because we do have the greenhouse effect it is plus 15 deg C, all the time."

The other greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen dioxide, and various others including CFCs, contributed only five per cent of the effect, carbon dioxide being by far the greatest contributor at 3.6 per cent.

However, carbon dioxide as a result of man's activities was only 3.2 per cent of that, hence only 0.12 per cent of the greenhouse gases in total. Human-related methane, nitrogen dioxide and CFCs etc made similarly minuscule contributions to the effect: 0.066, 0.047 and 0.046 per cent respectively.

"That ought to be the end of the argument, there and then," he said.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

carbon debits

The reason we sell Carbon Debits is simple – we want to take away the pathetic excuse of Carbon Credits from those liberals who hide their shame filled lives behind money-bought lunacy. Carbon Credits are simply a way for the rich (Al Gore) to continue to hypocritically live lives that look nothing like what they try to enforce on everyone else in society. We want to take away those excuses.

Our goal is to completely wipe out every Carbon Credit ever bought by selling their nullifying opposite – the Carbon Debit. The guilt and shame that caused people to buy Carbon Credits in the first place will be placed back on them as we let them know that their actions caused us to nullify their credits. They are the cause of us killing trees; they need to face up to their guilt.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Bigfoot Faces Extinction

I thought this was a joke, but it is real.

Bigfoot, the legendary hairy man-like beast said to roam the wildernesses of North America, is not shy, merely so rare it risks extinction and should be protected as an endangered species.

So says Canadian MP Mike Lake who has called for Bigfoot to be protected under Canada's species at risk act, alongside Whooping Cranes, Blue Whales, and Red Mulberry trees.

"The debate over their (Bigfoot's) existence is moot in the circumstance of their tenuous hold on merely existing," reads a petition presented by Lake to parliament in March and due to be discussed next week.

"Therefore, the petitioners request the House of Commons to establish immediate, comprehensive legislation to affect immediate protection of Bigfoot," says the petition signed by almost 500 of Lake's constituents in Edmonton, Alberta.

A similar appeal has been made to the US Congress.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Records broken as temperatures rise

With forecasters at the Met Office predicting another weekend of above-average temperatures for most of the country, Met Office climate scientists have released more figures revealing new temperature records.

The Central England Temperature (CET) is the world's longest running temperature series and dates back to 1659. April 2007 and the 12-month rolling period ending in April 2007 are set to become the warmest since the records began 348 years ago.

What didn't make the release:

  • "Mean Central England Temperature ranked coldest to warmest from 1659 to 2007",
  • Warmest January to date is 1916, second warmest, 1796
  • Warmest February to date is 1779, second warmest, 1869
  • Warmest March to date is 1957, second warmest, 1938
  • This is the warmest April at 11.1, (provisional), beating the previous warmest, 10.6, in 1865, 143 years ago. Half a degree in 143 years, 0.035 degrees per decade. Wow, that's hot. CO2 really piles on the heat. -- Hat tip Dennis A.
Thanks to

Al Gore Now has Gone and Pissed off Canada

Peter Worthington from the Toronto Sun lets lose on Mr. Gore.

"One could call it the impudence of Al Gore.

Here's a guy who, for eight years, was vice-president of United States and during those eight years could not persuade the Senate to take action against the dreaded myth of greenhouse gases.

In fact, the Senate voted 95-0 against the Kyoto accords, which Canada backed enthusiastically but (fortunately) did nothing about."

Gore's criticism of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservative government's so-called "green plan" is not only unseemly and offensive for a former American vice-president, but wrong.

"A complete and total fraud," is what he calls the plan which he says is "designed to mislead the Canadian people." (Interestingly, Gore's criticism of Canada is similar to what some climatologists and atmospheric scientists say of Gore's movie that predicts catastrophe for the planet unless the world listens to him.)

Censoring “The Great Global Warming Swindle”

Hear is Brendan O’Neill on the attempt to censor the movie “The Great Global Warming Swindle”.

"What next, a House Committee on Un-Scientific Activities, where this self-selected group of scientists and communicators could officially sit in judgement on anyone who says the ‘wrong thing’ about global warming?"

"Perhaps any new House Committee on Un-Scientific Activities could begin by forcing those who appear in its hallowed halls to swear ‘I am not, and never have been, funded by oil companies’, before instructing them on what is the correct thing to say in public about climate change. All others shall be silenced."

Global Warming and Moulins the Inconvenient Truth

The truth about moulins

Al Gore's Hero Dr. Revelle

And His Betrayal of Dr. Revelle

Al Gore’s hero Dr. Revelle a man that changed his life is described by Mr. Gore as a “a wonderful, visionary professor” who was “one of the first people in the academic community to sound the alarm on global warming”. In the book Earth in the Balance Al Gore referred to him frequently.

This attitude towards Dr. Revelle changes as the former VP found out later that he may have misunderstood the good Doctor.

Dr. Revelle contradicted Al Gores views on global warming at least 4 times after Mr. Gore became active in politics and ran on a environmental – global warming campaigns.

  • In 1984 article in Omni Dr. Revelle said People are always saying the weather's getting worse. Actually, the CO2 increase is predicted to temper weather extremes”
  • In July 14 1988 letter to Congressman Jim Bates he wrote: “My own personal belief is that we should wait another 10 or 20 years to really be convinced that the greenhouse is going to be important for human beings, in both positive and negative ways."
  • Just days latter Dr. Revelle wrote to Senator Tim Wirth: “we should be careful not to arouse too much alarm until the rate and amount of warming becomes clearer."
  • In 1991 Dr. Revelle and two eminent colleagues Chauncey Starr, a founder of Electric Power Research Institute and Fred Singer, the first director of the US Weather Satellite, wrote an article for Cosmos “What to do about greenhouse warming: Look before you leap”

Sadly, three months after this article was published Dr. Revelle died of a heart attack. In 1992 Al Gore running for VP with Bill Clinton, Mr. Gore defended his inconsistency with Dr. Revelle views on global warming by savagely attacking Dr. Revelle, saying that he had become senile and Dr. Singer had duped Dr. Revelle into writing the article. This attack on Dr. Revelle resulted in a defamation suit that resulted in an abject public apology in 1994 from Gore’s academic hit man, a prominent Harvard scientist, who revealed his unsavory role and that of Gore in the fabrications against the two Doctors.

Dr. Revelle was clearly concerned about the alarmist views of Mr. Gore and the global warming believers; would his view have changed if he was still alive? That is an answer sadly we will never have.

Senator Clinton, Diva on Jet's

This article from the New York Post documents Sen. Clinton’s diva like attitude to flying private jets. So highlights:

  • She used 3 different planes in a single day
  • Grounded one plane a Gulfstream II because it was not good enough
  • The replacement Gulfstream flight from Westchester County to South Carolina was empty

This is the interesting itinerary:

  • Sen. Clinton travels from Washington to Orangeburg SC for the Democratic debate on the Gulfstream II then on the same plane returns to DC.
  • 46 minutes later that Gulfstream II is sent back empty to South Carolina to wait for her there.
  • The next day a Hawker 800 private jet owned by NY investment firm Gilder Gagnon Howe transported Sen. Clinton back to Greenville SC.
  • In Greenville she hoped back on the Gulfstream II for a 25 minute flight to Columbia SC
  • In Columbia she then swapped planes to the Gulfstream III
  • Then fly’s to California for a campaign swing by jet through San Diego, San Jose, and Reno Nevada, back to Van Nuys then home to Westchester County.

What was the cost to the environment in CO2 emissions?

Clinton, who has warned against global warming from the stump and hyped the need for alternative energy such as ethanol, burned through thousands of gallons of jet fuel swooping along the campaign trail - and it's not clear why she sent an empty plane to wait for her in South Carolina then flew a different jet from Washington the next day.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Senator Feinstein's Conflict of Interest

Feinstein Must Resign

Senator Feinstein chairs the Senate Rules Committee but she at one time was the top Democrat on the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies sub-committee (“Milcon” for short), in that position she may have funneled more than $1 billion to companies that are controlled by her husband. It looks like during the period between 2001 and 2005 she took part in decisions that ended up putting millions directly in her husband’s pocket and this is a classic conflict of interest.

Due to Senator Feinstein’s work on the Milcon subcommittee, two companies URS and Perini Corporation that her husband Richard C. Blum controlled were awarded $1.5 billion in government contracts.

Melanie Sloan, the executive director of Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington, or CREW, usually focuses on the ethical lapses of Republicans and conservatives, but even she is appalled at the way Sen. Feinstein has abused her position. Sloan told a California reporter earlier this month that while “there are a number of members of Congress with conflicts of interest … because of the amount of money involved, Feinstein’s conflict of interest is an order of magnitude greater than those conflicts.”

And the director of the Project on Government Oversight who examined the evidence of wrongdoing assembled by California writer Peter Byrne told him that “the paper trail showing Senator Feinstein’s conflict of interest is irrefutable.”

Senator Feinstein resigned from this committee at the same time her husband sold his stake in both companies, and interesting occurrence. That year the total income for the two of them was up by 25% to over $40 million.

Why Carbon Offsets Maybe A Waste Of Time

The FT investigation found:

■ Widespread instances of people and organizations buying worthless credits that do not yield any reductions in carbon emissions.

■ Industrial companies profiting from doing very little – or from gaining carbon credits on the basis of efficiency gains from which they have already benefited substantially.

■ Brokers providing services of questionable or no value.

■ A shortage of verification, making it difficult for buyers to assess the true value of carbon credits.

■ Companies and individuals being charged over the odds for the private purchase of European Union carbon permits that have plummeted in value because they do not result in emissions cuts.

Comparisons of various energy sources

Hear is a good resource of information on various forms of energy sources. It is produced by a pronuclear site but offers some good information about the different forms of energy generation now available.

Their Conclusion:

"Throughout the world, we need every energy source we can get - including nuclear. As one can see from the table above, all energy sources have BOTH advantages AND disadvantages. Nuclear has a number of advantages that warrant its use as one of the many methods of supplying an energy-demanding world. Even with conservation efforts, energy demand has been and will continue to increase. Other factors can accelerate that increase, e.g. the proposed shift to electric cars to meet environmental air quality goals. In using each and every one of these forms of energy production, we need to make sure we conserve as much as we can so we leave sources for future generations. Energy suppliers need to ensure that they do not contribute to short and long-term environmental problems. Governments need to ensure energy is generated safely to that neither people nor the environment are harmed.

In the United States, many of the existing nuclear plants will reach the end of their currently authorized U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission license during the next 25 years. If nuclear is not used, other energy sources must be obtained."

Wakeboarding the green way

Wakeboarding with 0 CO2 emitions. If the believers get there way this is the only way you be able to wakeboard.

Chernobyl's 'nuclear nightmares'

This is from the BBC, and it shows how the green movement has created a serious credibility gap with me.

"The anniversary of the world's worst nuclear accident in April saw the publication of a number of reports that examined the potential death toll resulting from exposure to radiation from Chernobyl.

Environmental group Greenpeace said the figure would be near 100,000. Another, Torch (The Other Report on Chernobyl), predicted an extra 30,000-60,000 cancer deaths across Europe.

But according to figures from the Chernobyl Forum, an international organisation of scientific bodies including a number of UN agencies, deaths directly attributable to radiation from Chernobyl currently stand at 56 - less than the weekly death toll on Britain's roads."

Carbon Neutrality Act of 2007

This is a great article about a proposed bill the “Carbon Neutrality Act of 2007”, from the National Review Online by Stephen Spruiell.

"Vermont’s newly elected representative, has proposed a bill called the Carbon Neutrality Act of 2007. Should it become law, Congress could order government agencies like the State Department and the Pentagon “to use portions of their budgets to buy greenhouse-gas offsets and renewable-energy credits,” according to a report in the Burlington Free Press."