Sunday, May 08, 2005

Taxing Fast Food

OK, this is the first real shot fired by any sort of left wing crazy liberal in their war against obesity. Admittedly this is done by the cash strapped city of Detroit, I was figuring it would happen in either San Francisco or New York city first. So now the governments willing to tax people for being fat, what's next, taxing people because they're ugly?

There's no question that this country is getting fatter you can see it every day stop at a grocery store, look around yourself at the gas station as you're pumping your paycheck into your gas guzzling SUVs tank. We have grown in diameter to the point now we need to have large SUVs just to haul our fat buts around. Here's a shout out to America get up and walk.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Going Green and Going Bust

An article posted on, points to a few problems in regulating building standards that are not tested. Seattle's two-year-old City Hall has been plagued with problems that is making life difficult and uncomfortable for the tenants. Some examples of failed portions of this project are, light reflecting shelves designed to reduce electrical bills create such a glare that workers complain, and oxygen producing rainwater preserving" Green roof" died and will be receded with hardier plants. Boilers exploded, the police have trouble getting hot water in their locker rooms, offices are often too hot or too cold. One report from the city of Seattle says that "tenants are uncomfortable and they are wasting money heating and cooling air that is not reaching them".

In other example from, points to a middle school that has not achieved the savings they were promised.
"Tacoma middle school was projected to achieve 35% energy savings. During its first year and a half of operation, however, it is actually using 25% more energy than the average middle school in Tacoma, including one school built at the same time without the green building elements."

Washington State has become the first state requiring all tax funded buildings to be green. From this experience in Seattle it looks like there's going to be some wasted tax dollars over the next few years just learning about what works and what doesn't.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Can you buy a Governor at Wal-Mart?

I was thinking about Social Security today, and President Bush's idea of progressive indexing. But Wal-Mart is just too much fun. So here's one, the Maryland Legislature has passed the bill that requires any business with more than 10,000 employees to spend at least 8% of their total payroll and employee health benefits or compensate the state's health insurance program for their employees reliance upon it.

That sounds like an interesting way of slapping Wal-Mart around, but the governor of Maryland ( Ehrlich ) is threatening a veto, it gets interesting when you find out he has received campaign contributions from our favorite company Wal-Mart.

Governor Ehrlich has benefited from a relationship with Wal-Mart, in December 2004 Wal-Mart held a reception honoring Governor Ehrlich. This event was a $1000 per person price tag in addition to this fundraising benefit for the governor he also received a $4000 donation from Wal-Mart in January 12, 2005.

The total size of the donations from Wal-Mart is unknown, so how do we know if Governor Ehrlich's potential veto has been bought by Wal-Mart is a truly honest desire to prevent a targeted tax increase against an honest business. Or the effect of the political donation, only people who know is the governor and maybe Wal-Mart.

If you're interested in telling Governor Ehrlich to return the campaign contributions from Wal-Mart this link to will allow you to send him a message.

Have a great day.
Da bum

Thursday, April 28, 2005

70% of good sold at Wal-Mart is made in China?

70% of good sold at Wal-Mart is made in China?
I was checking out, and found this post saying that 70% of everything that Wal-Mart sells is from China. is worth checking out, whether your Republican or Democrat or someone who lives in the radical middle, there's a value to knowing the good and the bad about America's largest employer.

Posted by Hello

Friday, April 22, 2005

A Green Army

Not talking about the army uniforms here, but this article from reports the army is looking into hybrid vehicle technology. But from this picture its one but ugly vehicle that is unlikely to replace the Humvee as the dream vehicle of the real man. On the other hand suffering from abject poverty due to the cost of fuel their Humvee sucks down is unattractive.

This vehicle is powered by a small three cylinder diesel engine and 2 electric hybrid motors, it will cost approximately $20,000 and get 50 miles per gallon fuel efficiency.

One of the major design components is ease of maintenance with an unobstructed access to the engine electric motor and drivetrain. This is going to major factor in the adoption of hybrid vehicles. If your stop at the auto repair shop, costs two to three times that of the gasoline powered vehicle, fuel savings will not offset that cost.

The army does not intend to use this vehicle in combat but as a utility vehicle that the Humvee is overkill for.
Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Biting the hand that feeds them

This article describes how the Chinese have suddenly realized that their image been damaged by the protest against Japan. It looks like damage control is starting swing into effect.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

An Interesting Post from the Unknown Professor

I was pocking around looking for info on Blogging for charity (I will let
everyone in on that latter), this post from the Unknown Professor came up in
google. It is about the comparison of profit and charity, take a look.

Also testing posting through email.


Monday, April 18, 2005

Has Fox News Lost Its Mind

Has Fox News Lost Its Mind
In one of its featured articles today Fox News talks about the difficulties researchers have in researching drugs like marijuana. The article talks about how medical use of marijuana has shown anecdotal benefits in treating diseases such as glaucoma and neuropathic pain. It is also shown to be useful in stimulating the appetite of patients on chemotherapy in AIDS patients suffering from dementia (AIDS wasting syndrome).

Researchers are struggling to find out if the benefits of medical marijuana outweighs the risks associated with its use. This is a question that the government through the FDA often asks, presently it's evaluating drugs such as Vioxx, Bextra, and Celebrex. Over the next few years will find out if these drugs are the best choice as a painkiller. The problem that researchers are having with the study of the use of medical marijuana is that the government is in the business eliminating the use of marijuana studying in for medicinal purposes is considered to be counterproductive to this goal.

Now you're probably thinking that it is the FDA that is standing in the way of these studies (so was I when I started reading this article) but the FDA has approved studies. The problem and researchers have is that they're unable to get marijuana to study.

As a personal note I think that's absolutely hilarious. The one drug in the world that is only slightly harder to find than aspirin is marijuana. Have to wonder how many of these researchers have a plant growing in their backyard or have smoked marijuana in the past year. Even though they probably have greater access to personal use of marijuana, due to the research methods they are unable to use marijuana that is not produced in a controlled environment and distributed through the federal government.

Presently ecstasy is being studied at both Harvard and with psychiatrist in South Carolina. The Harvard studies is aimed at researching the use of ecstasy with terminally ill cancer patients, to determine if it can help them discuss with their families their illness and the end of life issues that they're facing. The study being done in South Carolina is addressing whether ecstasy can help women who've suffered sexual assaults such as rape. This research especially the research with women who suffered sexual assaults may be a great benefit to our society, the possible use of ecstasy in treating post-traumatic stress associated with rape and sexual assaults may also offer help in treating other post-traumatic issues, such as the those faced by some of our soldiers returning home from Iraq are facing. The early reports show possible benefit to addressing many psychological problems through the therapeutic use of ecstasy.

The problem that researchers have in acquiring marijuana for research is that they have to receive a license from the National Institute of Drug Abuse. The national Institute of drug abuse job is to reduce the use of illegal drugs and thus may have a strong conflict of interest. For researchers to be a supply our society with true and accurate information this research needs to be done and the National Institute of Drug Abuse should step aside and allows research to be done.

The question that I have asked is has Fox News lost their minds. No, they haven't. What this does show is the new progressive ideology that is found a home with conservatives. This progressive ideology speaks to the fact that liberals are no longer progressive but conservative defenders of a static ideology. Fox News is quietly raising the idea that the new progressive is an individual neither tied to the right or left. The new progressive ideology is one that is willing to challenge all ranges of thought that have not had a significant benefit to our society.

Maybe the new progressive ideology that is being discussed is the rise of the "radical moderate".
Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 16, 2005

China Again

It has been awhile since I've posted, and I've been on China rant, so the latest news out of China will be today's post.

It looks like the Chinese government is now sponsoring anti-Japanese protests. Why do I claim the Chinese government is sponsoring this because no protests in China happen with out their approval. The government of China, is concerned about Japan's push to become permanent member of the UN Security Council. There also upset about Japanese textbooks that do not appropriately address Japanese war atrocities during Japan's occupation of China from 1930s to 1945.

China has a right to be upset about how Japan is addressing their past, as most countries including the United States they are presently trying to politely ignore the crimes of their fathers. Japan has a responsibility to the world but mostly the responsibility to the Japanese people to honestly address their past crimes. Openly and honestly addressing the crimes of their forefathers is by far the best route to Japan's of eventual acceptance as a major and important nation.

Though the Japanese reluctance to entrust their past rightfully aggravates the Chinese appoint that would be most troublesome for Chinese government is the inclusion of Japan on the Security Council. The inclusion of the Japanese government is appropriate Security Council is overly dominated by European nations and including greater representation from the Asian world is important to the overall stability of the world.

A hope none of the readers start thinking that I am becoming a fan of the UN. I still believe the UN is a corrupt and poorly managed organization. It is badly in need of reform. Possibly the new United States Ambassador to the UN (John Bolton) will give the the UN the shove that it needs to properly implement reforms.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Our Friends the Chinese

This article a is another example of the problems the United States faces in regards to China. Over the next 20 years it will become apparent that there are two superpowers the United States and China. United States government is holding its breath that that free-market reforms will eventually bring about democracy and China. But the actions of the Chinese government continuously show no interest in Democratic reforms. It is becoming apparent that the Chinese government goal, is to become the dominant force on our plant, surpassing the United States. In their plush to become the preeminent power to Chinese government is finding it profitable to oppose the United States. The question that remains unanswered is how far will Chinese government go in opposing the United States.

At this point in time to Chinese government is waging an economic war against the United States. Corporations such as Wal-Mart are financing that war.

This has to be said corporate America's outsourcing of their manufacturing to China is not just maximizing shareholder value, but engaging in an act of treason by financing an adversary of their nation.


Friday, March 11, 2005

Wal-Mart Sucks!!!

Wal-Mart was one of the biggest political contributors in the 2004 election campaign. After years of political inactivity Wal-Mart enter the realm of politics the way an elephant quietly enters a small room.

By the end of the first quarter of 2004 Wal-Mart had donated to more then 220 House and Senate Members, in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $17,500. Approximately 85% of this money went to Republicans. 1.3 Million was given out by the end of February 2004.

There is no question that Wal-Mart is an innovative company and has achieved it’s success do to hard work and skilful management but it is starting to act like a monopoly. A good sine that an organization has achieved a size that is no longer a benefit to the country is when it starts to lobby governmental originations for regulatory changes.

Wal-Mart’s control of the retail market has left it with out any true changers other than the federal government, and the American people. Let’s hope they do not start dealing with us the same way they took care of their competition.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Wal-Mart Sucks!!!

Wal-Mart said that last year it had imported more then $18 Billion in inventory from China. This was keeping with an annual growth rate of 20% if that continues, 2005 will be more then $24 Billion.

In regards to China, Wal-Mart is there 8th largest trading partner. Wal-Mart is more important trading partner then Russia, Australia and Canada to China. This shows a tremendous amount of growth in this trade since Wal-Mart entered China in 1996.

What has this done to the US; well this quote is from USINFO.STATE.GOV web site.

“A new study has found that the United States' growing trade deficit with China has had an increasingly negative impact on the U.S. economy, causing job losses that reach into the most technologically advanced industries in the manufacturing sector and affect every state “.

This study goes on to say that in a period between 1989 and 2003 that 1.5 million jobs have been lost to Chinese competition. At the same time the trade deficit with China increased from $6.2 Billion to $150 Billion in 2004. Wal-Mart accounts for 12% of that deficit.

An important point in this study is that imports of sophisticated electronics and communication equipment from China is growing faster then imports of low-value labor-intensive products. This shows that the United States has started to export higher skill and wage jobs to China.

It is looking like Wal-Mart marketing plan is to drive jobs oversea and thus lower the earnings of the average American so that the only place they can afford to shop at will be Wal-Mart. If the Chinese want wage war on the US they do not need an Army just Wal-Mart.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Wal-Mart Sucks!!!

This story says it all about Wal-Mart. They may be the most well run business in America, but their focus on the bottom line and getting the lowest price to there customer in the long run may end up destroying them.

Some one of greater knowledge may know about how scrap steel was sold to Japan in the late 1930’s that ended up on bombs that were dropped on Pearl Harbor. I some times wonder if Wal-Mart is building up China in the same way.

Wal-Mart is good for the consumer but is it good for America? I do not think so.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Is This Worth It?

This story from Yahoo, points to the pain-and-suffering some of our soldiers are facing. At the end of this conflict we will have tens of thousands of permanently disabled veterans, they may be looked upon as a permanent wound or scar from our actions in Iraq. Or we maybe able to look upon them with pride and admiration for the work they have done in freeing another nation.

The hard thing to show is the benefit that may come from this conflict in Iraq. What benefits will we receive from freeing 40 million people; Iraq may turn into a fundamental state that hates the United States like Iran. Or it may turn into a secular state that resents United States similar to France.Maybe they will become just another free nation trying to live quietly and peacefully.

Monday, February 28, 2005

A good day for Lebanon and more horror in Iraq

Today the government of Lebanon resigned under a storm of street protests against the Syrian military presence in Lebanon. Is this a sign of what Bush has said Freedom is marching forward throughout the world?

We have to congratulate the Lebanese people for their success today, but at the same time know that their fight for democracy in Lebanon is just beginning. Syria has spent nearly two decades in Lebanon their political operatives and guerrillas will be there for years to come. The Syrians are unlikely to just walk away from their investment in Lebanon and the pressures on the Lebanese government to acquiesce to the demands from Damascus, will be great. The United States and the European Union need to stand behind the leaders of this democracy movement and give them what support we can offer in hopes it will help them transition to a free and open democracy.

As counterpoint to the democratic success in Lebanon today Iraq suffered in other devastating bloody terrorist attack today. As many as 125 people were killed today by a suicide bomber, the often quoted saying that "Freedom is not free" is being demonstrated with the blood of the Iraqi people. The United States has lost nearly 1500 lives today date in hopes of establishing a democracy in Iraq, but it is the Iraqis that are suffering the most. I can only hope that all lives that have been sacrificed will result in a freer and safer world.

If the United States war in Iraq turns out to be the catalyst to a wave of Freedom that sweeps the Middle East, George Bush may go down as one of the most brilliant presidents ever. Even some critics of the war in Iraq are now beginning to openly wonder if they were wrong. I personally think they are wrong, but the proof will not be available for years to come.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

The New American Aristocracy

This article from the economists, points to a troubling fact in the United States. Have we built a new class of aristocracy that has been running United States, whether it be a liberal or conservative they all seem to come from the same group. If it is true that we are now losing the social mobility we've had in the past, what does this say for our future.

Day One

Welcome to the Republican Bum

Within this Blog I hope to be able to define my political views. Am I a Republican, Democrat, progressive liberal, conservative, or neoconservative? It's a little hard to say at this point what I am. I may be a little bit of a neocon with some strong liberal tendencies. Let's see who I am. I hope you enjoy this ride.