Friday, April 22, 2011

Obama birther problem: is not he was born in Kenya, But educated in the US

 Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President
It’s not that the president was born in Kenya but that he was educated in the US. That is
Ben Shapiro at Frontpagemag powerful analysis on why Jerome Corsi new book “Where’s the Birth Certificate” has reached number 1 on Amazon.

What Mr. Shapiro believes, is that the president is merely a product of the American higher education system. An education system that has been embracing progressive ideologies for over a hundred years. The roots go back to the early 20th century and a merging of German Hegelian utopianism and Marxist classism, that is the basis of modern America progressive thought.  He points out that the president “grew up abroad but he spent most of his educational career right here in the United States, indoctrinated in the traditions of the progressives”. It is not that the president was born out side the U.S. but that he was educated with in it that has built his personality and the view that he is un-American. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President. Hits #1 at Amazon

The new book “Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President “ just hit #1 at Amazon. 


Is this a sign that this issue is a real problem for the President? Or is it just the power of the Drudge Report?  Mat Drudge publish a small review on the Drudge Report main headline yesterday (Wed April 20th) and the book went form 1,341 to #1 on Amazon hitparade in only 24 hours. 


My thought is this is the power of Drudge Report, back up by the President’s inability to connect with the large number of voters. 


If you would like to preorder a copy for yourself at Amazon (and help support this site ) here is a link to it on Amazon. Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President

Fords Volt Killer, 80-MKG ECOnetic

Ford Motor Co. is planning to unveil it’s new high mileage version of the Focus called ECOnetic, next week and Amsterdam Motor Show.

Form the article in the Wall Street Journal it looks like Ford is using a more conventional approach to fuel efficiency then GM’s Volt. Ford is using a high performance 1.6-liter diesel engine to achieve average mile per gallon that ranges between 67 – 80 MPG.
Some of the techniques used to achieve this high efficiency is:
Aerodynamic body
Diesel engine with high pressure fuel injection
Special gearing to tires
 New transmission oil designed to reduce rolling resistance
Regenerative charging
Automatic shutdown of engine stopped in traffic

Bad new is the car will only be available in Europe

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

US greenhouse gases drop to 15-year low

This article from the tells us that Greenhouse gas emissions in the US has dropped to there lowest level in 15 years.

Not a shock, the lingering recession and the exporting of US manufacturing job to India and China has really helped with our carbon emissions.

It also shows the best path to a greener society is through poverty. To me it looks like the EPA has know this for years, how else can you explain there pursuit of job killing regulation.  

I will try to post a link to the full EPA report latter today.

Monday, April 18, 2011

EPA Forced To Admit Jobs Do Not Matter To Them

Ever wonder why manufacturing is moving to China: 
  • is it because you are paid to much, 
  • is it that your inefficient, 
  • is it your to stupid to build these complex new fangled iPads.
No it the government creating rules the kill off our ability to build anything in the US.

You need to watch this video where Rep Cory Gardner tries to find out if the EPA looks at the affect of its proposed rules on Job. It is a shocking exchange of dialog right out of Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rands horror novel has come true and this is the proof.  

Freeman Dyson's Solution to Global Warming

Freeman Dyson talks about his concerns related to the accuracy of computer models and there ability to predict the changes in the atmosphere. One of his main concerns is the inputs to the model.
“To the none expert the out put of a computer model looks very impressive, but the excerpts know that it is no better then the input.”

Dr. Dyson talks about the effect vegetation has on the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, he is concerned that there is to little known about this impact on global warming. Dr Dyson references a few studies on this and the hopeful data they are starting to supply us.
But until this information is acquired the climate models can not be used as a scientific tool. 
Part 1of 2
In Part 2 Dr Dyson talks about the public interest in global warming which he says it is not the problem but stratospheric cooling that is far larger problem. He also talks about global warming is the increase in average ground temperatures which is imposable to measure because  most of the earth is oceans and we do not have instruments to measure temperatures there. So Dr Dyson call “the average ground temperature a fiction and not important”  Dr Dyson is far more concerned with stratospheric cooling which is affects the ozone. If CO2 raises the stratospheric cooling and damages the ozone over the northern hemisphere, we will face far more important issues then global warming.  

DR Dyson Possible Solution to Global Warming 

 Dr. Dyson finishes the interview with a possible solution, through understanding the linkage between vegetation and CO2 in the atmosphere. He suggests that the relatively simple solution of land use management could potentially give us the ability to control the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere at any level we'd like, and there's no need to stop burning coal and oil.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chevy Volt, greenwashed or greenscam

The Chevy Volt gives the phrase “pay to pollute” a whole new meaning.
General Motors pitches the pricey Chevy Volt as a means of reducing carbon emissions. The Volt web page states:
Electricity – a more sensible primary fuel
Put simply, electricity is a cleaner source of power. And as technology improves in the generation of electricity, we will continue to see reduced carbon outputs. Advancements in electricity production along with reduction in emissions from electric-powered driving could help make our world a cleaner place.

So does the Chevy Volt’s battery actually reduce carbon emissions?
Maybe not
So on an “average” basis, the Volt emits more CO2 from battery use than from gasoline use (0.55 lbs/mile vs. 0.53 lbs/mile).

John Stossel Fox Business 01-07-10 Atlas Shrugged

Glaciers growing on Mt. Shasta

March 28,2011

By Robert Felix


Although the media has done a great job of covering this up, the inconvenient fact is that all seven glaciers on California’s Mount Shasta are growing. This includes Whitney Glacier, the state’s largest.

Yes, growing. Not melting.

Not only are Mt. Shasta’s glaciers growing, two have nearly doubled in size.

Both the Hotlum and Wintun Glaciers have nearly doubled in size since 1950, says this article on Wikipedia. The Bolam Glacier has increased by half, while the Whitney and Konwakiton Glaciers have grown by a third.

Scientists first became aware of these growing California glaciers in 2002, and I began writing about them in 2003. Now, eight years later, most media outlets still refuse to acknowledge that these glaciers are growing.

After this year’s record snowfall, it will become harder to continue the deception.
Read More

Palin's BACK!

Palin Wows Wisconsin Tea Partiers With Blistering Speech; To Obama: 'You Ignored Us in 2010, You Cannot Ignore Us in 2012' from Breitbart on Vimeo.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Green Energy Economy Reconsidered

From  BY Jerry Taylor and Peter Van Doren 04.25.11

Green" energy, such as wind, solar and biomass, presently constitutes only 3.6% of fuel used to generate electricity in the U.S. But if another "I Have a Dream" speech were given at the base of the Lincoln Memorial, it would undoubtedly urge us on to a promised land where renewable energy replaced fossil fuels and nuclear power.
How much will this particular dream cost? Energy expert Vaclav Smil calculates that achieving that goal in a decade--former Vice President Al Gore's proposal--would incur building costs and writedowns on the order of $4 trillion. Taking a bit more time to reach this promised land would help reduce that price tag a bit, but simply building the requisite generators would cost $2.5 trillion.
Let's assume, however, that we could afford it. Have we ever seen such a "green economy"? Yes, we have--in the 13th century.
Renewable energy is quite literally the energy of yesterday. We abandoned "green" energy centuries ago for five very good reasons.
First, green energy is diffuse, and it takes a tremendous amount of land and material to harness even a little bit of energy. Jesse Ausubel, director of the Program for the Human Environment and senior research associate at Rockefeller University, calculates, for instance, that the entire state of Connecticut (that is, if Connecticut were as windy as the southeastern Colorado plains) would need to be devoted to wind turbines to power the city of New York.
Second, it is extremely costly. In 2016, according to President Obama's own Energy Information Administration estimates, onshore wind (the least expensive of these green energies) will be 80% more expensive than combined-cycle, gas-fired electricity. And that doesn't account for the costs associated with the hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of new transmission systems that would be needed to get wind and solar energy--which is generally produced far from where consumers happen to live--to ratepayers.
Third, it is unreliable. The wind doesn't always blow and the sun doesn't always shine when the energy is needed. We account for that today by having a lot of coal and natural gas generation on "standby" to fire up when renewables can't produce. But in a world where fossil fuels are a thing of the past, we would be forced--like the peasants of the Dark Ages--to rely upon the vagaries of the weather.
Fourth, it is scarce. While wind and sunlight are obviously not scarce, the real estate where those energies are reliably continuous and in economic proximity to ratepayers is scarce.
Finally, once the electricity is produced by the sun or wind, it cannot be stored because battery technology is not currently up to the task. Hence, we must immediately "use it or lose it."

Fossil fuels are everything that green energy is not. They are comparatively cheap. They are reliable; they will burn and produce energy whenever you want it. They are plentiful (we use only a tiny bit of oil in the electricity sector). And you can store fossil fuels until you need them.
Proponents of green energy argue that if the government can put a man on the moon, it can certainly make green energy economically attractive. Well, notice that the government was not trying to get a man to the moon profitably, which is more akin to the challenge here. Even before the Obama presidency began, about half the production costs of wind and solar energy were underwritten by the taxpayer to no commercial avail. There's little reason to think that a more sustained, multidecade commitment to subsidy would play out any differently. After all, the federal government once promised that nuclear energy was on the cusp of being "too cheap to meter." That was in the 1950s. Sixty-one billion dollars of subsidies and impossible-to-price regulatory preferences later, it's still the most expensive source of conventional energy on the grid.
The fundamental question that green energy proponents must answer is this: If green energy is so inevitable and such a great investment, why do we need to subsidize it? If and when renewable energy makes economic sense, profit-hungry investors will build all that we need for us without government needing to lift a finger. But if it doesn't make economic sense, all the subsidies in the world won't change that fact.
Taylor and Van Doren are senior fellows at the Cato Institute.

Snowfall and Snowstorms are Not Decreasing as Predicted by Climate Projections (13 Apr 2011)

Since 2007 heavy snowstorms and all-time seasonal records for stations and the Northern Hemisphere have challenged the predictions by the IPCC, NOAA CCSP, the Hadley Center/UKMO and environmental groups like the Union of Concerned Scientists that snowfall and snowstorms were growing increasingly rare and extent was declining. An analysis of pace and time distribution of winter storms by Changnon in 2008, NOAA weekly snow extent data from satellite as compiled by Rutgers Snow Lab and an objective snowstorm index developed by NOAA NCDC gives us a chance to test that hypothesis ... Read More

Global Warming may reduce mortality and extend life expectancies

New study shows that warmer winter may save lives in 11 developed countries in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
To read the study. 

Sea Level Rise Around Mainland Australia (12 Apr 2011)

Although the four data sets employed in this study all show short-term accelerations in sea level rise near the end of the 20th century, the century as a whole was one of decelerating sea level rise, which is not exactly in harmony with the climate-alarmist contention that the 20th century experienced a warming that rose at a rate and to a height that were both unprecedented over the past millennium or more ...Read More

EPA: Breath causes cancer

This is a great one from, it looks like the proposed cancer risk value of 0.008 parts per billionis well below what we produce in our own bodies.
"the World Health Organization] reports people produce formaldehyde in their bodies and exhale it in the range of less than 0.8 to 8 parts per billion. EPA’s proposed cancer risk value of 0.008 parts per billion would suggest that human breath poses an unacceptable risk of cancer; yet, experience and science tell us that couldn’t possibly be the case."

It just makes you wounder. 

Link to American Chemistry Council report on this

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Antarctic ice sheet growing from above and below

excerpt from nature Climate Change 4/11, no free link available

EPA Lisa Jackson joins with International Socialists at Energy Action Coalitions Power Shift

On Saturday, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Lisa Jackson will be giving the keynote speech at the Energy Action Coalition's Power Shift 2011 conference, a meeting of potentially 10,000 green youth activists in Washington, D.C.
According to the schedule, President Obama's former green jobs czar Van Jones will be speaking Friday evening, and members of the International Socialists Organization will be hosting a panel discussion Saturday:

Dr. David Evans, Carbon Modeler, Says, "You've been had"

Few would have the credibility of this man on this topic. Dr. Evans was the leading modeler of climate change for the Australian Greenhouse Office.

The full text of his speech can be found here:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Global warming and the Carbon Tax Scam.

Joanne Nova's speech March 2011 "Carbon Tax" Protest in Perth

Scathing satire meets intelligent investigative analysis. Joanne Nova's speech at the 23 March 2011 "Carbon Tax" Protest in Perth is a must-watch.


The text of Jo's speech can be found on her excellent website here:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Senate rejects attempt to control the EPA on climate regulation

On April 6 the senate shot down attempts to control the EPA from destroying the US economy. This is unfortunate news for those looking for work in this economy.

There is some good news in this vote in the fact that a majority of Senators voted to restrain the EPA in some form. Several bills were voted on that would block the EPA's goals to regulate carbon emissions, in total 16 Democrats voted to block the EPA in its global warming goals.

Looks like there starting to get the message.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

March Coolest Globally in 15 Years

More bad news for the global warming believers. La Nina is having a far greater impact on global temperatures then green house gases produce by us pesky humans. More information here from


Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Patrick Moore on the Anti-Human Mindset of Environmentalists

Patrick Moore on the Anti-Human Mindset of Environmentalists

Patrick Moore at TEDxVancouver 2009

This is another good video of Patrick Moore. He gives some background on his past and how he has become a supporter of nuclear energy.

Patrick Moore “Global warming is obviously a natural phenomenon”

Check it out it give a different view of the politics of the green movement.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

EPA’s mercury-heart disease claim debunked

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine today debunks the EPA-claimed link between exposure to mercury and cardiovascular disease.

The study abstract can be found here

This study is important as it debunks part of the EPA’s rationale for its recently proposed clamp down on mercury and other emissions from power plants.

Click here for the proposed rule excerpt in which the EPA discusses its view of the methymercury-heart disease data.