Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Our Friends the Chinese

This article a Fox.com is another example of the problems the United States faces in regards to China. Over the next 20 years it will become apparent that there are two superpowers the United States and China. United States government is holding its breath that that free-market reforms will eventually bring about democracy and China. But the actions of the Chinese government continuously show no interest in Democratic reforms. It is becoming apparent that the Chinese government goal, is to become the dominant force on our plant, surpassing the United States. In their plush to become the preeminent power to Chinese government is finding it profitable to oppose the United States. The question that remains unanswered is how far will Chinese government go in opposing the United States.

At this point in time to Chinese government is waging an economic war against the United States. Corporations such as Wal-Mart are financing that war.

This has to be said corporate America's outsourcing of their manufacturing to China is not just maximizing shareholder value, but engaging in an act of treason by financing an adversary of their nation.


Friday, March 11, 2005

Wal-Mart Sucks!!!

Wal-Mart was one of the biggest political contributors in the 2004 election campaign. After years of political inactivity Wal-Mart enter the realm of politics the way an elephant quietly enters a small room.

By the end of the first quarter of 2004 Wal-Mart had donated to more then 220 House and Senate Members, in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $17,500. Approximately 85% of this money went to Republicans. 1.3 Million was given out by the end of February 2004.

There is no question that Wal-Mart is an innovative company and has achieved it’s success do to hard work and skilful management but it is starting to act like a monopoly. A good sine that an organization has achieved a size that is no longer a benefit to the country is when it starts to lobby governmental originations for regulatory changes.

Wal-Mart’s control of the retail market has left it with out any true changers other than the federal government, and the American people. Let’s hope they do not start dealing with us the same way they took care of their competition.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Wal-Mart Sucks!!!

Wal-Mart said that last year it had imported more then $18 Billion in inventory from China. This was keeping with an annual growth rate of 20% if that continues, 2005 will be more then $24 Billion.

In regards to China, Wal-Mart is there 8th largest trading partner. Wal-Mart is more important trading partner then Russia, Australia and Canada to China. This shows a tremendous amount of growth in this trade since Wal-Mart entered China in 1996.

What has this done to the US; well this quote is from USINFO.STATE.GOV web site.

“A new study has found that the United States' growing trade deficit with China has had an increasingly negative impact on the U.S. economy, causing job losses that reach into the most technologically advanced industries in the manufacturing sector and affect every state “.

This study goes on to say that in a period between 1989 and 2003 that 1.5 million jobs have been lost to Chinese competition. At the same time the trade deficit with China increased from $6.2 Billion to $150 Billion in 2004. Wal-Mart accounts for 12% of that deficit.

An important point in this study is that imports of sophisticated electronics and communication equipment from China is growing faster then imports of low-value labor-intensive products. This shows that the United States has started to export higher skill and wage jobs to China.

It is looking like Wal-Mart marketing plan is to drive jobs oversea and thus lower the earnings of the average American so that the only place they can afford to shop at will be Wal-Mart. If the Chinese want wage war on the US they do not need an Army just Wal-Mart.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Wal-Mart Sucks!!!

This story says it all about Wal-Mart. They may be the most well run business in America, but their focus on the bottom line and getting the lowest price to there customer in the long run may end up destroying them.

Some one of greater knowledge may know about how scrap steel was sold to Japan in the late 1930’s that ended up on bombs that were dropped on Pearl Harbor. I some times wonder if Wal-Mart is building up China in the same way.

Wal-Mart is good for the consumer but is it good for America? I do not think so.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Is This Worth It?

This story from Yahoo, points to the pain-and-suffering some of our soldiers are facing. At the end of this conflict we will have tens of thousands of permanently disabled veterans, they may be looked upon as a permanent wound or scar from our actions in Iraq. Or we maybe able to look upon them with pride and admiration for the work they have done in freeing another nation.

The hard thing to show is the benefit that may come from this conflict in Iraq. What benefits will we receive from freeing 40 million people; Iraq may turn into a fundamental state that hates the United States like Iran. Or it may turn into a secular state that resents United States similar to France.Maybe they will become just another free nation trying to live quietly and peacefully.