Saturday, April 28, 2007

Methane and Global Warming

Fart Cops

It looks like the EU is look at the affects of cow farts on Global Warming. This is from the belief that live stock is a greater threat to the planet then transportation emissions.

Is methane produced by livestock (cows and hogs) a problem? Studies have shown that methane is 21 times greater impact as a greenhouse gas then CO2. In North America we have about 100 million cows, millions of hogs, and more then 2 billion chickens, we have the potential of billions of tons of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gasses being emitted each year

Looking for ways to reduce methane emissions from livestock Canadian authors Karin Wittinberg and Dinah Boadi conducted a study on this subject found 20 different way to reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Some ideas are:

  • Grinding and pelleting the can reduce methane by 20 – 40%
  • Allow the grazing in high quality alfalfa can reduce methane by 50%
  • Changing pastures every few day
  • Add 4% canola oil to feedlot cattle rations

The authors showed that there ideas can have a measurable impact on reducing green house gases for little increase in cost to the consumer. This would be preferable the draconian changes proposed by global warming supporters.

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