Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Records broken as temperatures rise

With forecasters at the Met Office predicting another weekend of above-average temperatures for most of the country, Met Office climate scientists have released more figures revealing new temperature records.

The Central England Temperature (CET) is the world's longest running temperature series and dates back to 1659. April 2007 and the 12-month rolling period ending in April 2007 are set to become the warmest since the records began 348 years ago.

What didn't make the release:

  • "Mean Central England Temperature ranked coldest to warmest from 1659 to 2007",
  • Warmest January to date is 1916, second warmest, 1796
  • Warmest February to date is 1779, second warmest, 1869
  • Warmest March to date is 1957, second warmest, 1938
  • This is the warmest April at 11.1, (provisional), beating the previous warmest, 10.6, in 1865, 143 years ago. Half a degree in 143 years, 0.035 degrees per decade. Wow, that's hot. CO2 really piles on the heat. -- Hat tip Dennis A.
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