Monday, April 18, 2011

Freeman Dyson's Solution to Global Warming

Freeman Dyson talks about his concerns related to the accuracy of computer models and there ability to predict the changes in the atmosphere. One of his main concerns is the inputs to the model.
“To the none expert the out put of a computer model looks very impressive, but the excerpts know that it is no better then the input.”

Dr. Dyson talks about the effect vegetation has on the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, he is concerned that there is to little known about this impact on global warming. Dr Dyson references a few studies on this and the hopeful data they are starting to supply us.
But until this information is acquired the climate models can not be used as a scientific tool. 
Part 1of 2
In Part 2 Dr Dyson talks about the public interest in global warming which he says it is not the problem but stratospheric cooling that is far larger problem. He also talks about global warming is the increase in average ground temperatures which is imposable to measure because  most of the earth is oceans and we do not have instruments to measure temperatures there. So Dr Dyson call “the average ground temperature a fiction and not important”  Dr Dyson is far more concerned with stratospheric cooling which is affects the ozone. If CO2 raises the stratospheric cooling and damages the ozone over the northern hemisphere, we will face far more important issues then global warming.  

DR Dyson Possible Solution to Global Warming 

 Dr. Dyson finishes the interview with a possible solution, through understanding the linkage between vegetation and CO2 in the atmosphere. He suggests that the relatively simple solution of land use management could potentially give us the ability to control the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere at any level we'd like, and there's no need to stop burning coal and oil.

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