Friday, April 22, 2011

Obama birther problem: is not he was born in Kenya, But educated in the US

 Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President
It’s not that the president was born in Kenya but that he was educated in the US. That is
Ben Shapiro at Frontpagemag powerful analysis on why Jerome Corsi new book “Where’s the Birth Certificate” has reached number 1 on Amazon.

What Mr. Shapiro believes, is that the president is merely a product of the American higher education system. An education system that has been embracing progressive ideologies for over a hundred years. The roots go back to the early 20th century and a merging of German Hegelian utopianism and Marxist classism, that is the basis of modern America progressive thought.  He points out that the president “grew up abroad but he spent most of his educational career right here in the United States, indoctrinated in the traditions of the progressives”. It is not that the president was born out side the U.S. but that he was educated with in it that has built his personality and the view that he is un-American. 

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